Do you long to start your own business? Do you feel anxious about the idea? Do you think a voice telling you to be safe? You have responsibilities.
I get it. After years of collecting a paycheck, I decided to take the plunge and start my dream business. It was not easy. As an executive recruiter, I was the first to start. Then, I built a personnel company with a partner into a twenty-employee, two-office operation.
It takes courage, determination, and confidence in order to start. One goal that I achieved was similar to what it takes to launch your dream job is the one I set myself. I was able to accomplish that goal and found my dream job. What is it? Run and train for a marathon. Here are the reasons.
1. It must be a burning desire.
If you have a dream of running a marathon (26.2 miles), no one will attempt it. It is just too difficult. It’s just too long. If you really want to create your dream business, it must be something that drives you. Do not try to do it half-heartedly. A dream turns an enormous task into an exciting challenge.
2. You should have a plan that is well-crafted and be able to follow it.
Without taking a marathon class, I wouldn’t be able to complete the marathon training. I followed a running plan and trained with a group. If I hadn’t spent time learning my craft, first at a large recruitment firm and then at a small, entrepreneurial company, I wouldn’t be able to make it as a solo runner. When I decided to start my dream business, I knew exactly what I needed.
3. Believe in yourself.
Positive affirmations from marathon trainers gave me the confidence to run my first race. We were assured that if we kept to the plan and ran the required miles, we would be able to complete the marathon. Our bodies and minds would be trained. My first business was recruiting. I believed that I could do it.
4. You need to have perseverance and stamina.
Six months of marathon training was required. The weekly mileage averaged 45 to 50 miles, with a 20-mile run. Throughout the training, the weekly miles and long runs increased steadily. Talk about fatigue. This schedule helped us to finish the marathon. It’s essential to keep your pace on marathon day. Otherwise, you could deplete your body. This could mean that you may hit the wall or feel severe pain or that you may just give up. You can expect the same six-month experience when you start your dream business. Be patient and take control of your fatigue.
5. You must see the finish line.
It was high anxiety that I felt when I stood at the start line for my first marathon. I felt all those self-doubts and circling around in my head. It was a conscious effort to change my thoughts. All that hard training was worth it. I would not give up. I imagined crossing the finish line. This was the same experience I had when I signed my first office lease. All of those self-doubts and fears surfaced. I vividly remember thinking about my billing goal and the joy I would have been free and independent. My visualization was mirrored in my success.
Happy endings
I completed my first marathon and have run 17 more. It’s an exciting challenge and keeps me strong. My first six months with my independent recruitment business were a success. The company grew steadily from there. You can do it if I can.
Follow my tips if you want to start your dream job, even if it is running a marathon. Perhaps you aren’t able to run 26.2 miles. No worries. You can bet there’s another athletic goal that will test your endurance and help you persevere. You should go for it!
Let’s all break down the barriers together!