The things you perform and don’t perform on a regular basis will have a long-term effect on your small business performance. Based on the method you adopt and the degree of self-sabotaging that you do can affect the success of your business, which includes whether or not you’re actively destroying your Small Business.
What is the death of you or your Small Business mean?
The death of the business of your Small Business means that you could be making choices that could be affecting your business success, and you may be unknowingly committing yourself to a path of action that could result in your failure.
It’s about self-sabotaging behaviors people engage in at a conscious and unconscious level to prevent themselves from achieving their goals or to slow down the processor to totally undermine their goal.
It’s a bad idea which can end up costing you your small business;
It’s a bad way to live your life, egocentric, making lasting decisions, etc. that are not in your best objective;
The problem is that you allow your fears to influence the Small Business direction and kill it from the inside out. It is often the result of a painful, slow death due to one single act, decision or inaction, compounding over the course of.
What would killing your Small Business look like?
Imagine you decide to organize an event to showcase your offerings and attract customers and clients, making more money and grow your business. Because of this choice, you set through the process of preparing the event, organizing the details, pondering the cost, and pondering what revenue you’ll earn. You’re eager and excited to go. But, you experience a strange event, and you’re not motivated to take the necessary steps to get your message out to your target public. You are hesitant to leave the comfort of your home and become at risk.
The anxiety begins to build about your capacity to pull the event off.
You’re worried that people will think you are a fake;
Fear is a root cause, and your choices and actions now go via this filter.
You contemplate abandoning;
You consider retreating, but it’s all too difficult to climb up off the ground.
There is a chance that you’ll have an overflow of people who show at the event. And what do you do?
Fear pierces deeper into your heart and whispers, “Who do you think you are? You know you can’t handle it, you’re not ready, you need more time. You’re a fake, fraud and you’re not going to cope if they all come.”
You subconsciously sabotage efforts to expand your business through actions that are not taken and failure to take action. You are now living within Excuse Central! You’re feeling overwhelmed, and the most important thing you’re looking to do is the act.
You might be thinking, which person with a rational mind would think of doing this? It’s insane and does not make sense.
From the standpoint of safety, it makes sense for the small business owner who worries about excessive success in a short time. They may be afraid of not being in a position to handle the amount and wealth that may flow from their fantastic idea.
I’ve never said that it’s sensible.
The subconscious of their brains tries to protect them by trying to avoid situations that could have the potential for success.
Say hello to procrastination!
Self-sabotaging behavior could not be something they observe, but everyone around them trying to assist them in getting up and running and expand their business is able to spot it. People around them are usually filled with anger as they watch you fail to achieve your goals.
If someone else tries to intervene, but an owner of a small business isn’t prepared to accept their message about how they can help, it can cause conflict, anger, and resentment, and a break-up.
An out of equilibrium ego feeling is a weed that, if not controlled they can grow into an uncontrollable jungle of self-sabotage behaviors that can have a ripple result, which can lead to you actively harming your personal Small Business.
What’s next?
If you’ve begun to imagine yourself in this position, this is a positive idea to admit it. Accepting that you suffer from anxiety that is holding you back is a positive step in the right direction. It’s an opportunity to discover the real issues within you.
Take a look at yourself and find out if your ego has been triggered by the help you received. Give the gift of humility a shot. You may be much more effective than you imagined and receive more assistance from fellow-minded individuals;
Consider the things you’re doing or not doing. You must ask yourself the tough questions to find the root of why you aren’t able to be successful today;
Think about what is hindering your success and cut off anxieties in the bud. It is true that having an excessive amount of people who want to be at your event and learn about your small business is a good thing to be faced with!
Reflecting on your daily behavior, thoughts and attitudes can help you ensure that you don’t end up killing the success of your personal Small Business.
Selina Shapland (born in Australia) is an Australian Artist, co-author of Dave the Bird Dude, a Small Business Reviewer, and podcast interviewer with more than 20 years of professional administrative experience. She is a specialist in building positive relationships and empowering you to pursue your goals in life and in your work.